Am I Ready to Go to Class?
The short answer is YES. If you want to try yoga, at any age, weight, or for any reason, that desire to try is all that’s required! Can’t touch your toes? No problem, yoga will loosen you up. Weak upper body, perfect, yoga will build your strength, progressively at your own pace.
A yoga mat. If you do not have one, you can borrow one of mine.
If you sweat a lot, bring a towel.
Wear comfortable clothes that you can move in but that also allows your teacher to see your alignment.
ABOUT my Yoga journey:
I took my first Yoga class in 2013 in Mysore, India. I joined a Mysore Ashtanga class and I wasn't expecting it to be so tough. My body was shaking and I was so close to just give up. But I didn't!
After the class I was terribly proud of myself, I felt so strong physically and so clear mentally, like never before. This feeling I had back then, I still have now. This feeling of being the most balanced, best version of me, I can possibly be, returns each day after asana practice.
On my journey I met the darkest side inside me but I have learned how to center my emotions and energies with Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation.
My Philosophy is to dig deep down, meet your dark side, clear it, plant a seed and let the seed flower into the most beautiful rose, into what you deserve to be, happy and balanced.
Without having pain or a feeling of suffering, it is hard to find the Yoga path, therefor acknowledge your suffering, say thank you and be ready to let go of it. In Yoga we tell the body when to have physical pain, we don't wait until the body tells us he has pain. Yoga is taking control over involuntary action of the body and mind and making it voluntary.
Yoga is the purification of the mind!
Yogic practice is helping us to become friends with our mind!
The Yogic Path starts outside but is clearing from the inside!
Even after all these years of practicing I am still calling myself a Yoga Student, and this title will remain most probably for the rest of my life, regardless if I own a paper saying registered Yoga teacher or not.
It is not important what kind of certificate one has, it is important what kind of vibes one sends out and how steady the practice is!
I am happy to share my knowledge with whoever is interested in the holistic aspect of Yoga, meaning not only practicing the Asanas (exercise) but also learning the most healthy and happy way of living your life.
I am a Registered Yoga Teacher Certificated in Ashtanga Yoga teaching by Tattvaa Yoga Shala Rishikesh, India given by YOgi Kamal Singh
Migraine and Yoga
My personal migraine journey has started when I was 11 Years old. I was part of a traffic accident.
For way to many years I thought this is my Karma, I just have to deal with it in one way or another. But then I found Yoga!
It took myself 22 years of chronic pain until I figured Yoga might be the thing giving me relieve. And it did!
Speaking from my heart, I urge all of you suffering from chronic migraine, cluster migraine or tension migraine to be open and to let go of this unhealthy pattern and to start a new life, not ruled by your migraine. A life where you don't need to take several days a week off to take care of your pain. Imagine a life where you can plan to go see your family, to go to work, to go for a hike or a swim and not being scared it could be one of those days...I might have to stay home again, I might have migraine that day, but let's hope it will be fine...
I know how that feels, and I know how life with no or just a little pain can feel, and I would like to show you. I believe someone whom has been suffering from pain, but has now found a way of non suffering, can teach with the most fundamental knowledge.
The first meeting is free and after a donation is welcome.
We will talk about your kind of migraine, so I can understand where you are at and create a schedule for you involving the following:
(Sessions are based on one to one)
Learn how to continue your own practice once our ways will part again.
You will learn what kind of food is best for you.
Pain mediation practice is given.
Ujjayi Pranayama (the phychic breath) This technique gives freedom from bondage. It heats up the body and smoothens your muscles when in Pain but also helps balancing your mind.
Asana practice, learn the most effective Yoga postures to relieve acute pain and to remain painless.
Pilates exercises will be thought to strengthen muscles if needed, to support your weak and painful areas around the back, shoulders and neck.
If you have got any questions please don't be shy to send me a message, I'll be happy to help! info@dalto.ch